Tuesday, October 7, 2008
5th of SYAWAL
featuring the sunflower yaww! hee.
gambar ada blur. tapi masih lawa kaan? hee.
poppa and the shutter shades.
i and the shutter shades.
ini dia, alah alah shahrukhan. hawhaw.
my momma, the sunshine to my world!
langsir tangkap frame. hee.
mummeh and i.
nani with the shutter shades, hee.
alah alah nasyid girl, hee.
colours fill my life with wonders ♥
4th of SYAWAL
bersama hero BOLLY, hee.
a lil bit of wine? haha. jk.
kuih tart without the dot on the top. hee.
my third uncle own this thing. cool.
alalalalaaaaaaa, hasan sayangku.
the sister and brother
my atok sedare owns this bird.
colours fill my life with wonders ♥
pictures again, hawhaw.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
my poppa!
nenek i, glam tak? hawhaw. *lupe pki secarp* hawhaw.
mama rocker youuu~
kak siti.
abg eunos, *spellin betol ke tak pun, i dunno!* hee.
dayah, my long lost kembar. HEE.
lil fiza!
ehemehem! HAHA. jkjkjk.
cute lil fizaaaa!
colours fill my life with wonders ♥
twins? hawhaw. mummeh&i
belobed mommah&doddah!
nenek sedare gerek punya.
itu abg, sebelah tu adik. haha.
my second uncle.
my sayaaaaaaaaaaaang!
atok gerek punya.
my third uncle& his wife and son.
colours fill my life with wonders ♥