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Sunday, January 17, 2010

i've changed my blogsskin. yeah, its blue! i likey alotey!
kk, i'll update more later kays.

TATA! ((;

colours fill my life with wonders ♥

im flying off real soon.
Friday, December 25, 2009

wassup dawg? haha!

kkays, this is the last post before i get flying to the Philippines. heehaw!
yea, its already 2pm and still we are in the house yaw! haha. and our flight is 4.20pm, how cool is that? haha.

oh ya, i wanna wish all Christians a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year((;

and yeah, since i'll not be around for the new year, i wanna wish my dear readers a
Happy New Year too. Happy 2010 yaw! Welcome the New Year with an open heart, leave all the sorrows behind yaw. haha! (cam pah)
alright, i guess thats all frm me now. do miss me aite, haha(muka tak malu)
see you in two weeks time (((((((;


colours fill my life with wonders ♥

excited much? haha.

i cannot sleep liao. minutes ago the parents and i are done with the packing of our things into the luggage. and now i am still thinking of whatever things that i need to bring. but i guess all are inside the luggage already. heehaw!
oh yea, my flight is at 4.20pm later in the afternoon. mayb some of the girls are coming. mayb je. but i didnt force them to. its far away from their homes, so i dnt force them to, hee.

ok, have i told you for how long i'll be in there? i'll be there for like two weeks. and the time will fly super fast. insyaAllah i'll be back in town on the 8th of January 2010. and yes, i'll be celebrating New Year there. i'm excited to know how they celebrate New Year. its my first time celebrating New Year there, huwee~

im not sleepy yet. its not because of excited. its just that i cant sleep, haha!

jo: haha! i've updated for like a week already.
mary: tak nak bilang la. i nak tgk sendiri siape yg perasan i da update, hee.
syikin: kat sane byk org encem2 jgk youuu~ sbb tu jd i nye eye candies, huwee~

chalobeyteh pepol!

checked out;0203am.

colours fill my life with wonders ♥

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

oh yea? im not asleep yet yaw. and its already 3 in the morning. i guess i just cant sleep yet. somethings' really bothering me deep down. but out here im really trying my best to be as cheerful as i am. (kate Syera Cheerful, so here i am being cheerful((;)

alright people, the date is 25th of December. Hero Bolly and family will be arriving Philippines at this very date yaw. hee. yea, my daddys' gonna be a Santa this Christmas. cause we brought alooooooooooooooot of things to be given out there. my daddy is seriously superduper generous (i pun tak boleh angkat tgk dia mcm ni, haha!)
my feelings of going there are mixed feelings. da mcm rojak(alamak, lapar pulak eh, haha!) but ofcourse i am excited to go there! i miss the beautiful view there. and most importantly the cousins and aaall (eye candies puuun) hee.

alright, i guess thats fer now. my eyes are switching off soon.

syafiq: yeayea, i'll take you to the philippines. . . boracay, mindano, i'll take you. . . (sings) hee.
syikin: heehawws!((;

check out; 0311am.

colours fill my life with wonders ♥

those were the days.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

hey yaww! are ya'll ready for the countdown? haha!
*its just a random intro there*

so yea, so far only syikin notices that im back in this blog of mine, hee. *waves to syikin* hee. its ok, i dnt blame anyone for not noticing, its my fault for not updating this blog for sucha a loooooooooooooooong time! hee. so you can put the blame on me. . . (sings) HUWEE~

currently, its raining cats and dogs over here, in Teban Gardens. the Garden which i've been living in all these while. haha! (tak penting)

its been a tiring day for me, as the Mondays' Blues is there on every Monday. oh yea, have i told you what did i do during my loooooooong sch holidays? i assume most of you knw it already. to the Briyani Shop yaw! yeah,all this while i've been helping out my parents there. i get paid a lil (sikit lebih kurang halal lah) hee.
i've been hoping to see my friends to drop by at the Shop, bit unfortunantely there are none. except to those who came by with my force, haha! they are Mary, Syafiq, Maira and DayahT. hee. Thankyouu for coming.

ohh please laa, i've been missing you girls alooooooooot tau! da laa semue gathering i tak dapat pegi. all this because of being jailed at the Shop la abe? (kan da mengamok ni) haha! JK.
so yea, the moral of the story is that,

and yeah, im flying off sooooooooooooon~
chaooooooooooo~ fer now baybehs.

time check;1249am.

colours fill my life with wonders ♥

Friday, December 18, 2009

holaaa people!
Syera's in the house yaww! its been a long long time yea? yup, i knew it so much till nobody bothers to come by this abandoned blog. haha! my baaad.
so yea, i want sleep now. good night people of the world((;

I promise i'll update sooooooon!

colours fill my life with wonders ♥


colours fill my life with wonders ♥

the girl who fools people on the fools day. 010492. hee. love the people around her so much! photography / camwhoring makes her day. drum beats makes her to the move.

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